There are dozens of different lead magnets that are available for your website. Since each industry is different, you may need to try several of the lead magnets to determine which of these options will work best for your website.
First Section
The first section of your lead magnets is the top third of the page. Here, you are creating a use for whatever it is you are trying to get the buyer to purchase. Checklists are often the best use of this section. They give a potential lead the incentive to see how your goods or service can help them and it will draw them to continue on down the page. Tool kits and resources are also exceptional choices for filling in this section of your website.
Second Section?
In the middle section, you provide them with some software, or something of value they can use. You can expand on this by offering them an overview of case studies, give them access to a future webinar through a registration link is an easy way to draw people back in after they?ve left your page. This informative session can tie into your products and services and allow you to sell more items. Fill in this middle section of the page with some FAQs, programs, and even a trial offer. You?ll find that if you can keep people vested past this point, they?ll finish up at the base of the funnel you?ve created.
Bottom Section
At the very bottom you pull out the big guns for your lead magnets. Take a moment to offer a coupon that encourages them to make that last minute purchase. This can be as simple as 10% off, or a specific dollar amount they can save on a purchase that they make. The better this offer is, the more likely you?ll have a chance to keep these people coming back for more.
You can also fill this space with a free consultation that adds perceived value to your services, and even comparison charts of how your products and services compare to the others that are available. This is the last chance you have to finalize the sale and this needs to be something that leaves people with their wallets open and taking advantage of your service.
Offering a Free Trial
A free trial that registers a payment method is one other option. This is a chance for you to give temporary or limited access to a portion of what you offer. After a period of time, you can have the payment method automatically charged and that can mean a boost to your bottom line.
It doesn?t need to be difficult for you to use lead magnets to your advantage. Just remember that their placement on the page will have a considerable effect on the results they give you. The layout mentioned above gives a few options for each section. The truth is there are dozens of combinations out there. Just make sure you maintain a progressive flow and you should achieve the results that you are looking for.?
Below is one of my favourite tools for creating lead magnets if you want an easy solution: